
Pea soup

I was back in the Midwest for a few days last week. Determined not to completely give up exercise for five days, I tried to run, twice.

Minnesota kicked my ass. It wasn't even very humid or hot, if you ask someone that lives there. When I first came to Seattle, I thought everyone here was a wimp. Complaining about humidity when I couldn't feel it, slapping at bugs I couldn't see, dashing for air conditioning when I didn't think it was that hot.

I'm a wimp.

Running outside felt like running through hot pea soup. I was hydrated, but felt light headed about a mile into the run. I couldn't get a decent breath or keep my heart rate under control. I've been running in 65-70 degree weather, in Minnesota it was in the 80s at least. Blech.

I ran today to make myself feel better. It was 62 degrees and raining. Perfect!


Burn out

Complete burn out after that half marathon. I didn't run for more than a week. I didn't even take a class at work for more than a week.

One month later and I'm finally starting to get a few miles in a week once again. About two weeks ago I got my weekly training update from dailymile.com and it was a whopping zero. Wah wah. That was depressing. Then last week it was a whopping three miles. Better than nothing, but not by much. (By three miles, really.) I was feeling the lack of running. The gym works to sweat, but it doesn't work to keep my brain in shape.

So I hit the road last week and this weekend (hottest weekend so far this year, go figure), and managed 10 miles. A little better. Not great, but better. My head feels better, though. Much better.

Who is now addicted to running? Me.

Now I just need to find the next race ...