
Vibram FiveFingers!

Or, if you're my husband, Monkey Feet!

I finally picked a pair up over the weekend. I've been thinking about getting some for well over a year, but had kept putting it off. Now that I'm back to running on a regular basis for the half marathon in June, I'm back to constantly worrying about my knees. Then, like so many other people, I started reading "Born to Run," after devouring many other articles online about barefoot running. To me, it just makes sense.

So finally, FiveFingers. They went on their inaugural jog tonight after my regular run. Just down the street and back, I am probably going to be overly cautious about not overdoing it. It felt ... different. Not bad, but harder than regular running shoes, certainly. Instead of running on clouds (which regular shoes certainly feel like comparatively), it was more like running through mud. These things will definitely give a person leg muscles. I can't wait to up my milage in these!


You know you're a runner when

after removing your shoes from a run it looks quite possible that a toenail fell off and it doesn't even phase you.

Really, I wore off some polish, but it was a startling change, and for a split-second I was pretty sure I didn't have a toenail. More surprising than realizing all ten toes were intact was my non-reaction to the whole thing.

Lost a nail? Meh, it happens.

Fourteen weeks until the Rock 'n' Roll.